November 29, 1930 continued - August 7, 1933
commercially made, unlined white paper
13 1/2 x 12 1/8 inches
My walk yesterday has been indelibly stamped on my life – it mark a great step in my life in this village, and my relation to it –
For some reason while I was walking along yesterday I thought of a painting I started in 1917 of two hollows – one representing spring and life and the other winter and death – in 1919 I painted over this work with a lot of cheap tempura color and practically ruined it – I determined to try and “restore” it to its former state – so I have spent today mounting it, and trying to sponge off the top colors without injuring the ones below. This was far from being completely successful and I thought – if only some wise hand had been there to keep me from my folly of 1919! However, tho it is impossible to restore the 1917 version completely, enough of it came thru to keep it from being irrevocably lost-
The whole morning part of afternoon spent on the 1917 painting – P.M. with M.A. to Buffalo- A southeast snow – B and I for walk toClintonRd.BridgetoInd. Church Union and then home
To Buffalo to see Hell’s Angels again – sketching – a drizzly rain falling – carbon pencil works well on wet paper[1]
[1] p. 20 – written in margin: 34/0; Jan 28 16/0, no wind;9 p.m. 10/0; Jan 29 34/0; A.M. 32/0 S.W P.M. 10/0; Jan 30 S.E. 22/0; P.M. 40/0 P.M. 24/0