November 29, 1930 continued - August 7, 1933
commercially made, unlined white paper
13 1/2 x 12 1/8 inches
A.M. North alongUnion Rd.beyond the bridge sketching drifts – a brilliant “far away” morning.
P.M. My usual walk beside the freight cars - I felt a sudden love for them – it is in me all the time, but I’m not always conscious of it.
A futile morning –
Got word last night from the gallery that “March” had been sold; with what bitterness and what joy was that picture painted!
P.M. To see “Hell’s Angels” – the scenes in the air magnificent – what beautiful things are airplanes, the most beautiful things man has created – My longing to own one, to drive one is so great some times as t make me momentarily ill – like homesickness.
A dazzling fluffy snowfall from the Northeast – the wind cuts thru one like a knife – the snow is intensely pure and virgin-like
Walk to bridge – the N.E. wind pierces to the marrow I walk until I overcome the cold and acquire a warm glow all over-
The sudden rise in temperature is amazing – before I look at the thermometer,I was surprised to see water dripping from roofs –
For short walk - Union Rd.– Fr. Rd. – south thru fields home – a beautiful sunshiny day, but extra mean thoughts crowd my mind, and I cannot absorb its beauty and cannot open myself up completely and let it take possession of me – Union Road is brilliant with rivulets of melted snow – In the fields the snow sinking and like a mackerel sky – a spider crawling over the snow with sluggish movements – Work in the studio calls me home-
P.M. SW wind increases and freshens[1]
[1] p. 17. – in margin – Jan. 22 12/0 W; Jan 23 20/0 W; 32/0; Jan 24 14/0 N.E. P.m. 15/0 P.M. 18/0; Jan. 25 41/0 S.W.; 44/0