handmade cardboard notebook
13 3/8 x 12 3/8
Gift of the Charles E. Burchfield Foundation, 2000
An explanation of this trip—
(Sometime I want to re-write it, describe the antics of these three men.)
They had planned this excursion with women (other than their wives) why then did Urban invite me? – More, urge me to come when I was reluctant? The way he put it “A friend of mine is taking a new boat out for a trial spin, want to come along?” I thought it was a new motor-launch, & that it would be just for an hour or two, the three of us.)
To further complicate things for Urban who should turn up on board but his mother-in-law! So he spent the whole time (when they were not in the cabins) dodging the mother-in-law.
If told right, this could be made into a funny episode, instead of the insistence on the agony I felt – But I was lonely, because everyone else had a partner, & I knew no one at all but my so-called “host.’