June 3 - July 25, 1914
commercially-made lined paper notebook
5 7/8 x 3 11/16 inches
Burchfield Penney Art Center courtesy of the Charles E. Burchfield Foundation, 2000
blistery. A stiff wind.(HT)(HT)(HT)(HT)June 27, 1914A ride in an automobile countryward shows milkweed to be in bloom.(HT)Our raspberries are turning red.(HT)(HT)(HT)(HT)June 30, 1914F – and I observe a robin indulging his buoyant boyish passion on a telephone wire. – a third or possibly fourth brood this season.(HT)(HT)(HT)(HT)July 1, 1914(HT)Following two days of cold numbing weather, July opens with a cool rainy day. The sky is downcast. The rain comes down evenly & quietly