February 11, 1912 continued- February 25, 1912
commercially made, lined paper notebook
8-1/4 x 6-3/4 inches
and tops of the mounds. A third contestant was the omnipresent ice, which really was king over the weeds, but which was fast succumbing to the steady rays of the sun. I turned to the creek. It was fast becoming swelled to the overflowing point, and was acquiring an oily look common at such times. Masses of snow on the bank hung over the edge and down into the water. In several places the ice over the creek had not yet broken and formed places for the small pieces of floating ice to accumulate.
While standing here I was suddenly struck with the thought of the fascination the sun has for all forms of life. It is power; it is strength; nay it is life itself. The first duties of a savage race are sungods; Apollo held a high place in the worship of the ancients. We ourselves feel its power, and I daresay we too, often forget the power, that is behind it, and worship the sun alone. But to love the creations of god is as good as loving the creator, for they coincide. This thought is beautifully expressed in “Abou Ben Adam” – may his tribe increase/ Sunlight expands all things; fields become broader; distant hills became even more distant. Especially is this so at noon and early afternoon.