February 11, 1912 continued- February 25, 1912
commercially made, lined paper notebook
8-1/4 x 6-3/4 inches
It is the same power that caused the Indians to erect totem poles the ancient Egyptians to write their history in their crude hieroglyphics - or indeed the writing of any history. Everywhere they may be seen, and invariably they are the expression of boy-hood. What boy has not laboriously cut his initials in some conspicuous rock or tree, tho the task might take hours? Beech trees are the favorites, by reason of their soft mealy bark. A white beech, whose trunk is covered with blackened letters, is a pretty sight.
But I am still up in the cabin, and if I keep on talking I will never get down. Going down, the first step is always a trying one and we are glad when we are _______started downward, but what a still greater sense of relief we feel when our feet once more touch the firm ground. It is not fear that causes this. One may climb to the top of the tallest tree with the slightest quake, and yet the contact with the earth again is assuredly not an unwelcome one. We are earth creatures indeed.
When I got to the bottom again, I went along the edge of the brooklet. It was flat here and ice covered and altho the ice groaned continuously at times, yet it was good