February 11, 1912 continued- February 25, 1912
commercially made, lined paper notebook
8-1/4 x 6-3/4 inches
more easily. In a few moments we were all laughing at it Frances included. But we cannot think how the globe fell with such force as it did. The water at first was full of dirt but soon became clear again and we were settled once more – as was the water.
Joe is playing – or practicing on his guitar. It has a wierd effect on my imagination. It instills in my mind a vague sort of loneliness and remoteness that I can’t understand. It conjures up thoughts and ideas I cannot feel at any other time.
Saturday, February 17th 1912.
Well the unexpected has happened. I – but then I will tell everything in the order of its happening. Yesterday morning, day dawned delightfully clear and cool – cool, not cold. A light frost had come down in the night, - tree branches were but faintly touched and seemed to be of a filmy grey color, the dead grass, laid bare by the warm sun of the last few days, was white; water, running merrily in the sunshine the day before, was partly frozen and frost covered;