March 26, 1911 continued - April 11, 1911
commercially made, lined paper notebook
8 3/8 x 6 7/8 inches
Charles E. Burchfield Archives, Gift of the Charles E. Burchfield Foundation, 2000
in wonder and admiration and then I fell down on my knees and dug it out, admiring it with every operation. As I got up, I saw several more plants scattered around, which I also dug up. With them I hurried along the creek, to get home before they should wilt. I had not gone far before I came upon a great bed of them, a beautiful sight. I carefully walked in and out among them, picking bunches here and there. Across from these few plants, was a large plant of Solomon’s Seal. I have to laugh when I think of when I get them. That spring, (several years ago) I had planned to have a big wild flower garden, and to do this, I would have to go out in the morning and in the evening too. I had seen this plant and decided to get it some morning. One evening I determined to go out the next morning, but when it came, it was a damp morning and threatened rain every moment; Jim had said I wouldn’t get up and go, so I was decided now to go. I had not proceeded far when it began to rain; however I went on undaunted, and got the plant which was growing almost at the end of Bentley’s woods, and with it came home in the rain, dripping wet, to be scolded by mother.
One of my blood-root plants is also coming up. I have a