March 26, 1911 continued - April 11, 1911
commercially made, lined paper notebook
8 3/8 6 7/8 inches
Charles E. Burchfield Archives, Gift of the Charles E. Burchfield Foundation, 2000
minute period he came in and announced that he had two or three things to say. In the course of his talk he informed us that the averages would be announced the Monday after the vacation, and that our subjects for theses would have to be in the following Thursday. I can hardly wait until the Monday, but wish the Thursday would delay its arrival for sometime.
Things are beginning to look bad for the Senior play outlook. Carl Hechler was to collect all the money for tickets already sold, and only received fifty dollars, while expenses will be one hundred and forty! So I took ten extra of each kind of tickets and to-morrow afternoon if we don’t work I’m going allover town. Frances says many people are kicking about the prices, that they ought to be twenty-five and thirty-five. It seems to me they ought too, but I’m not arranging prices. Still there is hope, for Day and Hechler have the business section yet to canvass. My imagination got ahead of me to-day when I got the extra tickets. It was to-morrow afternoon and I was rushing down McKinley avenue, and running up to C. Heckler who happened to be on the curbstone, I gasped breathlessly:
“Give me some tickets. About thirty each kind.” and