March 25-26, 1911
Commercial notebook with lined paper
6 3/4 x 8 3/8 inches
last week or so, he has been getting seeds from different companies in great quantities; the very look of the bulky envelopes suggests Spring and the rattles of seeds sounds delightfully like Spring. Several days ago he planted all kinds of them - vegetable and flowers - in boxes and now some of them are pushing their green little heads up thru the black earth![i]
Sunday March 26, 1911
This morning I awoke very early and looked out of the window. It was still dark but just a faint touch of light was beginning. I decided then I would go for a walk but I dozed off awhile and when I awoke again it was almost fully light. I dress hurriedly and quietly stole downstairs, as I didn’t want to wake anyone, and went out into the dim morning. As I got to the corner of the house, Buster got up from somewhere and barked furiously at me, and it was some few moments before he recognized me; then he came joyfully along.
It was a cool, dim, morning the sky was a dull grey blue. Over in the east delicate wrosy pink melted into soft oranges, yellows and greys. As I went up Fifth St. a small golden speck appeared at the horizon, gradually growing into a curve of gold. Songs of robins filled the air - they seemed to go madewith joy in the sunrise as I did. From a little slope against the rosy dawn came the clear delightful