March 3, 1911 - March 26, 1911
Commercial notebook with lined paper
6 3/4 x 8 3/8 inches
The Redbird looked at me and for a moment cocked his head on one side, regarding me suspiciously. Then suddenly he to swell up.
“Cheer-oip, chear-oip, cheer-oip, chear-oip, chear-oip, cheer-oip, cheer-oip, cheer-oip, cheer-oip!” he broke forth, full and strong and clear. Would he burst I wondered, I could almost see his throat swell with each note. I tried to answer but could net imitate his clear sound. At this he paused and then suddenly flew to a low bush down in the hollow crying:
“Cht! – Cht!” Possibly this meant: “Who are you?”, at any rate he nervously flew from the bush to the ground, and fluttered over the leaves, ever keeping his eyes on me and keeping up an incessant: “Cht! Cht! -- Cht! --- Cht! Cht! Cht! As yet he had appeared dark-colored to me, but now he appeared in his true color - a bright flash of red against the dull grey and black leaves and trees, as he darted excitedly along the ground, wobbling his tail and fluttering his wings. His breast seemed reddest of all as I saw when he turned to me, uttering his angry “Cht!”
Something flashed by, it was a blue-jay who alighted on a little tree close by, imitating the excitement of the Red-bird, but