November 18, 1910 - November 25, 1910
commercially made, lined paper notebook
6 1/8 x 3 7/8 inches
She cut it out and sent it to him.
But to get back to what I started out to tell. Well, Mama, Fred, Bill + I adjourned to Joe’s room and watched him paint. The occasional stray words came to our ears, which we could not help but hearing.
Finally Miss Carl asked the girls to go the “after-dance” that evening. Frances declined, saying that she had something else she had to do (she had no idea what it was tho, I guess) and at the same time said that Joe had to paint a poster. It then devolved upon Louise. She could do nothing but accept.
Mama was flustrated over this.
“Louise ought to know that I don’t want her to go with such a fellow” she said. “I wish I could see her.”