November 18, 1910 - November 25, 1910
commercially made, lined paper notebook
6 1/8 x 3 7/8 inches
what to do. We had been there but a few minutes when a wild yelling greeted us and then the whole mob was rushing towards us. They had been hiding on the steps of the North Entrance. With us it was everyone for himself; I ran with all my might down Fourth, Bill following, and hid under a bush in Waterworth’s front yard, about a half block west of the building. Bill joined me a moment later and together we listened for sounds of pursuit. We did not have to wait long: soon the enemy came rushing along, further up the lawn, which is about as long as an ordinary block. They were all soon past; and a moment later we heard someone crawling to a bush near us. Without waiting to see whether it was friend or foe, we walked over.