November 18, 1910 - November 25, 1910
commercially made, lined paper notebook
6 1/8 x 3 7/8 inches
pensive tubes of paint on a tin banner. All that remained then was to find green somewhere else; the yellow I was willing to supply, as the letters would require little paint. I then thought of Rich, a painter who lives across from us. Surely he would do some to me. When I asked them he willingly mixed a little for me, and with that I proceeded joyfully homeward.
After supper, when the boys had arrived as agreed, we proceeded to the workshop to make our tin banner, which was doomed finally to end its days in the mud of a garden. Aided materially by the jeers + criticisms, and suggestions of my confederates, I soon had the tin- lid gloriously bedecked in the invincible gold and green. The various wild plans en