November 18, 1910 - November 25, 1910
commercially made, lined paper notebook
6 1/8 x 3 7/8 inches
Charles E. Burchfield Archives, Gift of the Charles E. Burchfield Foundation, 2000
ing were the matter, turned up Main St, speaking to the Juniors, and met the other fellows who came straggling along. The two Juniors soon parted (one of them was Astry’s brother) and we continued on our way, thrudivers alleys and bystreets until we came to place about half block west of where the colors were hung. Here we paused, to get some system to our plan. Having in mind the fact that many remain at school for dinner and that they might be around, we understood that quick decisive action was necessary. And so we made the pole ready for the lighting, tieing on the rag and pouring the gasoline on. Then pole in hand we rushed up the alley, and then Day grasped the end of the pole in his hands, waited for me