November 17, 1917
deconstructed notebook pages pasted into commercially made composition notebook
7 5/8 x 9 3/4 inches
Burchfield Penney Art Center
Nov. 17, 1917 –
of the “picturesqueness” of her language. Someone had knocked her down and beat her head on the sidewalk; she brought the landlord out to show him where – the exact spot.
By now it was clear that a negro was the criminal; he soon appeared on the scene; like two beasts they flung back + forth at each other revolting epithets + inane accusations and after failing to agree, went off to the mayor.
It was the incident I needed to give me the character of the house. A big black hulk against the pink sky, it now had written on it sin, degeneracy, filth, disease, bestiality + insanity.