oil on board
40 11/16 x 29 5/8 inches (Frame: 42 1/2 x 31 1/2 inches)
The Charles Rand Penney Collection of Western New York Art at the Burchfield Art Center, 1991
There are two sides to every door and each one tells a story. One side keeps the unwanted out and the other keeps the inside safe. There are millions of doors, all unique in their own way. The white door in this painting is simple, yet very mysterious. A dark shadowy figure seen through the window aids to the enigma of the door. What's inside? Is the unknown person a friend or stranger? Where is this door located? So many questions, but they all will remain a mystery much like the door.
What clues does the white door give to indicate what might lie behind it?
For Children: Solve this riddle…
I protect all those who come inside
I serve as a place to rest and hide
When you open me up, you can rest assured
That you are safe within my entrance.
What am I?
Have you ever looked at a door on an unfamiliar building and wondered who lives there? Or have you ever walked past a window and stared at what was beyond it? Behind every door is a story, the mystery of someone's life. Draw a picture of what you imagine is on the other side of the white door.
— Ajah S. Session, 2015