25 1/4 x 39 inches (frame: 32 3/4 x 45 1/4 inches)
Purchased with funds from the Metropolitan Life Foundation, 1986
Two-faced Figure is challenging to interpret. At first the title suggests an insincere and untrustworthy person. But the image might also reference early 20th-century cubist figures that Pablo Picasso introduced as a means of representing different perspectives within a single image. Thus, this figure might literally be turning his head, but metaphorically be contradicting spoken words with secret thoughts.
Mary Ann Moncada, a native of Mexico, first exhibited this painting in Latino/Buffalo presented at the Center in 1986. It was one of several works by each participating artist that were purchased with funds from the Metropolitan Life Foundation. The other artists were George Campos, Gerrard-François Centrié, Ana Maria Hidalgo, and Roberto Pacheco.