The Burchfield Penney currently has a collection of over 12,000 works of art and archives with more than 50,000 items relating to Charles E. Burchfield, as well as other notable artists and arts organizations of Western New York. If you are interested in making a donation or contacting us regarding a work for sale, please email Scott Propeack.
The review process for the collection is a combination of staff review, the Collection Committee’s review, and finally Board of Trustees' approval. It normally takes from 6-8 months. For each proposed work, we request: its provenance, an image or the physical work, information on the artist and the artist's connection to Buffalo and our region.
Our archives are the backbone for providing curators with the information used in generating content for our exhibitions and exhibitions at museums across the country. Decisions regarding donations to the museum’s archival holdings are done by the professional staff. The staff will make an assessment based on: the volume of material, the role the artist played in the history of our region, the relationship of the material to the collection, its condition, and the ability of the museum to care for the material. Please email Katie Coward at cowardkd[at] with inquiries regarding artist archival materials.