Charles E. Burchfield, designer, Robins and Crocuses, 1923, Birge no. 1490, wallpaper mounted on board, 20 1/2 x 19 5/8 in. (52 x 49.8 cm), Manufactured by M. H. Birge & Sons Company, Burchfield Penney Art Center, Purchased with funds from the Buffalo Foundation, 1973
Yesterday I saw a robin discover a worm, and pull it out. As he ate it, he rolled his eye skyward with intense satisfaction.
Tonight to Fields before Bentley’s – the frogs and toads – a strange rustling in the leaves – what was going on? – As I looked at the ring around the moon it became a huge opening in the sky, beyond which was another world –
The wind fluttered – grass under moonlight – pale moonlight falls on the sleeping flowers –
Charles E. Burchfield, Journals, March 30, 1917