Cold wind from the east - 22˚ - heavily overcast —
Worked most of the day in the studio on the 1925 (?-26?) March Wind, with the figure holding a torch racing through the clouds. (for which F.J.L. [Frank J. Lankes] posed) (I thought of it then as “The March Wind Lighting the Fires of Spring” and it still seems a good title.
Towards noon the temperature went up to 28˚, and a light rain driven by the east wind, froze as it fell— The crackle of ice-bond branches as the wind swayed them – windows soon coated –
For noon meal Bertha had delicious baked pork & beans, lettuce with bacon – fine fare for such a day.
When I brought the picture in at 4:00, Bertha liked it, but thought it looked unfinished — and indeed it did; more like a layout, half realized. The basic design and effect are good however.
Bertha spent the day dismantling the tree and putting the ornaments in boxes for storage in the attic —
About 9:30 called Art – He said he had not gotten a call from the air-port until 11:00 A.M. today – whereas it was supposed to be delivered at O’Hare 9:00 P.M. Wednesday. He said the transformer had a short in it & had to be replaced – he would be sending it Monday morning. He said Jimmy was better.
Charles E. Burchfield, Journals, January 6, 1962