A.M. letter from F.K.M.R. [Frank K. M. Rehn]– thanking me for my Christmas greeting, and telling me to my surprise that my show went on the 27th - - and that Wednesday N.Y. Times carried a criticism –
B & I had some errands in town, and we stopped at a news agency & procured a copy of the Times. It was by Jewell, and as good a criticism as I could possibly ask for; not too flowery or exaggerated, but showing a genuine appreciation of my efforts.
Frank asked me to come down Tuesday (Jan 3) which I plan to do.
Evening, I played our Christmas records, in particular, the French “Noel” by Caruso & “Stille Nacht” & Vom Himmel Komm’ ich Her” [Vom Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her] by [Schumann-Heinck] – My memory did not prepare me for the beauty of these two voices, and tho my record of Caruso is an old acoustic one, his voice sounds clear & powerful almost as life itself. Surely there are no singers like these today! These two records recall vividly the Christmas of 1917, when we first got our Victrola & we were all at home. That month marked a decided change in my work. If I felt homesick for that time, it was no disloyalty to the present, when I am really happier.
The children, in bed, were quite excited by the Caruso record, much to my delight.
Charles E. Burchfield, Journals, December 30, 1938