A bright sunny morning; notes from the train windows- general appearance of fields & trees like august in our state; goldenrod abundant; a plant like goldenrod in character, though more feathery & of a silvery white color, a palm-like fern in swamps (later learned was Palmetto) The Spanish moss appeared first in isolated trees, but gradually 58. became more general. There was a heavy dew, which glowed in the early sun. The sunrise had seemed different to me more mellow and rich in color, than it ever is up north. A species of feathery grass that was a vivid fiery pink in color. A few of the houses raised off the ground, after the southern fashion.
Houston like a hundred other American cities - except that it was noticeably more summery, we might have been pulling into Buffalo.
Charles E. Burchfield, Journals, October 11, 1937