All day on the “Lavender & Old Lace”—I am changing the whole mood, from a gray day effect, I am making it late twilight, I am adding elements to the house & farm observed on other gothic houses; and added two huge elms back of the house, etc. In a work, I have abandoned the idea of a specific house & locale, and making it an expression of all I feel about gothic houses.
For most of the morning I fumbled, unable to strike the proper mood, thus, completely subconsciously I made a few impatient [strokes] about the middle gable, and suddenly had the key to the mood. From there the work went more smoothly.
A beautiful clear day-
Book in the mail “The Pleasures of Outdoor Sketching” by Clayton Honglend—sent with the expectation that I would say a good word for it for publicity purposes.—A quick glance thru the book, found that I could do so with a clear conscience. A well thought out plan.
Charles E. Burchfield, Journals, May 31, 1947