Call F to see if he can have lunch. He cannot & suggests I call Marguerite—He, (M) suggested we lunch at the Century club. Before I leave E.W.R. calls and I invited him to go with us.—Pack my bag & take it to station, when walk over to club. The St. Gardens Show.—
A pleasant lunch, although we worked ourselves into a frenzy over the war situation beforehand—(when I suggested that the liberal was caught between two incredible foes—communists & ultra-conservatists —Root disagreed, said it was a conflict between oriental despotism & freedom.)
At lunch, a good part of the time given to a discussion of the Gallery rotation. Both M & R. attacked Frank rather violently, while I defended him. Admitting some of F’s faults I still maintained the situation was not all his doing. I wanted to tell R, but would not, that if he (Root) was doing his part, things would not be as bad for us.—
Walk up to Gallery—M. stays awhile then leaves. — Picken in with two new pictures. One a charming interior. (Picken was one who applied for Guggenheim award & failed) I felt sorry about this. John wraps up for me a watercolor (hunter Radiance) which had started to come apart. (to take home on the train)
Charles E. Burchfield, Journals, March 13, 1948