A.M. Take B to chiro. for treatment. Have a rigorous but friendly argument with Hanson over the political situations, from which I came in a pleasant glow.
Sent for Bach records this A.M. using the check they returned from the Sibelius default.
P.M. B and I to South Buffalo. She to shop a little and I to Dr. Canderi for treatment. At my request, he explained to me more fully the workings of the various glands connected with man’s reproductive apparatus, and the imagined seriousness of my trouble was dissipated somewhat - I came away in a mere cheerful frame of mind.
B and I shopping a little in 5 & 10, and then to drugstore to sip soda & sundae while waiting for prescription to be filled.
On my way home; stop to watch a field of buttercups. A glorious incredible sight - the wind tossing the flowers this way & that till the whole field was a writhing boiling mass of dazzling yellow rhythms- the sky a calm blue, a wheat field just beyond a dense blue-green; a woods dark green with lavender trunks.
Charles E. Burchfield, Journals, June 12, 1936