Continued drought. Oriole sings in the morning - hearing it, it seems not so hot. Dandelions speckle a lawn on the depot. The blooming does not seem general. A strong wind from the S.W. brings a beautiful dense blue haze, which is equal to the sky itself. Dust opaqued plants are curling, and yet the sending forth exquisite flowers is unabated. Cornblades curling splitting. The wind no longer rustles the leaves - it rattles them - papery sound. A crescent spot pursues its shadow over the grass, and it seems as tho he lost sight of it by his aimless flight. The south¬west sky is white, and the whitened, mist-blued trees seem ever on the point of fading into it. At about 5:00 (4:00 central time), the sun goes out, and before six o’clock, it is almost too dark to see.