Downtown to tailors—then uphill to 5th St & 8th Ave. Interesting views—looking right down on the tops of homes (street so steep that only one house in a block. (Stairs leading from one street to another).
P.M. Class to “Point of Rocks”—about 1st Ave & West 15th St. [Duluth, Minnesota] —Tenement houses & great rocky cliffs.
Evening to Dale Millers—Dr. & Mrs. Alspach there. Discussions of various things “Intuitive Art Versus Intellectual System–Sinclair Lewis (who lived in Duluth a couple years). Left at midnight (we had not brought the car).
Seeing a magnificent display of the Northern Lights was on we hurried home got in the car & drove up to the skyline for a better view.
Charles E. Burchfield, Journals, August 3, 1949