Monday –; To Cattaraugus Country sketching –; Part of my plan was to get hepaticas for Bertha’s box – Before I got to Cattaraugus, I saw some along the road, and as the rain was commencing to fall, I thought I had better get my plants here, rather than walk down the railroad to the other woods.
It was a moment of pure magic, digging hepaticas with the rain pattering the dry leaves. Walk up the hill, thru the woods – cordwood – red cup fungus, and the wind swaying the tall spindly trees so that their branches clattered together.
The rain comes down heavily, and I drive northwards a bit to see if I can come closer to the railroad woods. The rain ceases, and I return, park my car, and go down the railroad to get a few more plants.; Eat lunch along the road; a pleasant interlude, to the east, a romantic group of little hills, with a wooded swamp in the midst.