I have grown restive under the self-imposed regime of last Summer & Fall and this Winter – That is: working almost entirely from memory or imagination I feel the need of getting out and working in the outdoors – not copying Nature of course, but improvising and being influenced by nature, and the kind of day, etc. After all “Cicada Song in September” could not have been painted indoors; it was an improvisation on the mood of the moment weather season, and particular spot.
In accordance with that idea, I have built myself an out-door easel for either sitting or standing, which does not fold up, but which is already to set up, saving time & energy. Such an easel while I had planned it before now, came to fruition through our buying a new car which has a trunk so huge, it will take the easel as is, one of the basic reasons for buying a new car. I have been stewing for months over the problem of a new car – the problem being not money as it usually is — but what kind. After studying all reports I came up with the 1960 Chrysler Windsor as the solution, but the dealer persuaded me to take a 1957 Chrysler New Yorker, at about half the price. (I have bought all my cars from him and so I was not afraid to buy a second hand from him). In some ways a frightening monstrosity it runs like a dream, rides well, and then it has that huge trunk, made-to-order for my sketching gear. I have just finished the easel, and am now waiting for a warm windless day to give it all a try-out.
Charles E. Burchfield, letter to Dr. Theodor W. Braasch, postmarked April 30, 1960