Nov. 11 – (Friday).
To Bullis road (just west of Marilla) painting a mild misty morning with the sun breaking thru dappled clouds.
Stopped to look at the little house just beyond the Town-line Rd. (Elma Nursery Road) – with the row of maples in front of it, which I have often admired. It seemed to be the right sort of subject for the day & I soon had my outfit set up. A preliminary layout before lunch.
All afternoon. The work went slow and was not helped by the many kibitzers who stop, either to “admire”, question, or ask their way to Marilla or E. Aurora. At one time there were four cars. Thinking of tomorrow’s class at the Institute, I was patient with them all and answered questions like a meek little lamb.
Almost mid-afternoon the weather changed. A North wind sprang up, driving before it heavy misty clouds and chilling the air.
After I finished, drove east to Three Rod road then to Williston & eastward to where the road takes a double right angle turn. Here I parked intending to walk in the woods to get a mood for the “Moonrise in the Woods” picture; but there were hunters about blasting the stillness with their gunshots; I took a short walk towards a woods, then prudence made me go back to the car.
Charles E. Burchfield, November 11, 1949