Cold, but sunny. The outdoor work table covered with snow and ice, which soon melted.
[Chickadees] busy and noisy, searching for food – what clean-looking dainty little creatures!
Spent the day in making a new “box” for protecting the water-pipes – and putting away the benches etc. This year I plan to use peat moss in the box, hoping that by next spring it will have rotted enough for use in the garden.
At six P.M. John called to tell me about the exhibition, which opened today. Already “Hot September Wind” and “East wind & Winter Sun” have been sold; and an option taken on “Autumn Rain in the Woods” and others - All very heady and exciting.
Evening B & I to Buffalo shopping – bought a pretty velvet stole for her that we had seen on Thursday; also a record for Hank’s birthday (Tschaikovski’s Fourth Symph) and a record for the children.
Exhausted by the time we got home.
Charles E. Burchfield, November. 1, 1954