Trip to Pittsburgh with B to see International show after a period of indecision, & renunciation, and final decision we ought to go….
I won’t attempt to go into detail as to my impressions of the show. Three-fourths of the pictures at least were dreadful from any point of view, but the true connoisseur of pictures does not do as the vulgar snob does — i.e. go thru an exhibit looking for the worst pictures at which they can smile, & over which they can feel superior. [CEB bracketed the following in red pencil.] [So many of these pictures fairly screamed their vulgar taste, trivial purpose, & general mediocrity, so that, tired as I was from driving, it was difficult to find the few good pictures. But after a while, it was easy to pass the mediocre ones, and see only the better ones. Hopper, McFee & Speicher stood out brilliantly in this company, as did Laufman, Vlaminck, Utrillo & Hofer, & Mattson. As to my own “Elevators” — I could not at any time see it to be as good as I hoped it was, tho it grew better as time went on.]
Charles E. Burchfield, October 18-19, 1938