The hills superiority to the adjacent county gives me a sense of elation. Let us forget that the sky, as scientist theorize, is distance, and imagine that it is in reality a dome, whose edge rests on the horizon. If you can do that you are ready for this statement: The sky is dissolving And the sky dust is coming down to mingle itself with the haze + smoke. The world is turning to blue, and at any time the distant hills may become sky and the sky hills. One expects at any moment in a wind like this to see the dissolving heaven part and reveals to us some of the secrets of this life.
What is in the wind? If I could answer this question I might be able to see other things more clearly. I seem ever on the point of leaving what it is, and yet do not. Yes, What is in the wind as it out of the whitish livid sky back of the pawing trees whose foliage is thinned by summers curlage, dimmed as they are by the bluish mists.
Charles E. Burchfield, August 2, 1914