Partly cloudy and muggy.
P.M. – A hasty sketch from the back of our lot (back of the pavilion) looking S.W. - Done to work out the heat-wave mirage idea, which I want to include in the “Drought Sun” picture. Tired and not mentally alert. I heard my neighbors to the east chattering and fussing in their garden, and I imagined them watching me with puzzlement (I doubt if they really knew I was there!) But it inhibited me.
Late P.M.—to Century to see “High Noon” (Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly)—a very tense suspense drama, excellently done. We got in on the tail end of a short we hoped to avoid—a modern hodge-podge imitation of Gilbert & Sullivan Operettas—using their music—about as vulgar and tasteless as anything we have seen for a long time.
Afterwards to Mayflower for Wheat cakes & Bacon.
Charles E. Burchfield, Journals, August 2, 1952