Lots and lots of artists this week, mostly short entries as I attempt to catch up on some Front Yard folks:
Dana Kang
Luna Yanlu Leung
Autumn Newcombe
Patrick Grider
Margaret Schrecongost
Randall Lilly
Maxwell Mustado
Katrina Scheuer
Lisa Wolfgang
Andrew Deutsch
Andrew Topolski
Anna Scime
And, finally, a longer one I redid pretty thoroughly:
A record! I’m not sure I’ve ever written that many bios in a single week since I started here about a year ago. (Happy anniversary to me!)
In other news, Aunt Sally has a mild cold this week, or maybe it’s allergies. She always vows to stay indoors as much as possible when the days get hotter and longer, but then her topiary hobby tends to send her out into the heat now and again, so she could be picking up a little bad pollen or some such thing. In any case, she swears she’ll be out and about as soon as she is back on her feet. If you’d like to drop off a covered dish, I’m sure she’d appreciate it (even if she doesn’t say so out loud—she’s funny that way).