Out to Lankes - I always feel spiritually stronger when I come away from them - I am always refreshed - We discussed the follies of the material world - on the front porch - J. J. tells of his trip in the East - (in the front yard poppies + primrose swaying in the breeze - dancing in the hot hazysunshine) - P.M. at the Shack - we plan for Ecclesiastes illustrations - We discuss the infinity of the universe - both in its greatness + its minuteness - how the atom with its whirling electrons may be peopled as our earth with beings having their revolutions, art movements, wars etc, or that the great Betelgeuse may be only an atom to some huge being who studies its possibilities as we do our atom -
Outside was a clump of timothy that Lankes had spared the scythe on account of the way it swayed in the breeze.
Charles E. Burchfield, July 8, 1923