A sultry July Sunday. Bright & still outside in the garden & fields. The cries of my children below—sometimes of glee, sometimes of irritation—the swift buzz of machines going by. I discover a spider has built his web over my desk-table; from the extension cord to the light— What a reflection on me! I must put up with his impudence until I really do something— he must stay where he is until he is actually in my way.—
At 10:20 baby girl born. (The long ride to the hospital over bumpy roads in a Ford with Bertha in agony.) I missed the 11:30 bus to Gardenville and went out Seneca St. I missed the last car and walked over. A moonlight night.
July 11, 1925
By now Sarah Ruth has earned her way into our hearts—. She is a perfect baby.
We had a hard time picking the name, she having been Rebecca Anne for a day.
Charles E. Burchfield, July 5-11, 1925