To Zoar Valley Rd. sketching—A clear warm day—
Took along the 1917 enlargement in which I wanted to use rail fence. My attempt to draw the fence is unsuccessful due both to the wrong light and to the fact that I had not digested the idea.
An exploration of the woods before lunch.
After lunch south to study of the road & houses, etc.—in soft shiny sunlight. All afternoon.
At evening farmer whose house horse figured permanently in the right hand side of my picture came up to look. He was so pleased he asked to bring his wife up. She said she was interested in wild flowers. She had a real love for their farm. She said they hoped to keep the rail fence intact for a long time. Also, she said when they cut trees for lumber for their home; they left a group of hemlocks intact.— After my evening lunch stayed until dark. There seemed to be robins on all sides singing, mingled with toads and hylas.
Charles E. Burchfield, Journals, April 22, 1947