A cold night, a heavy frost.
*For my birthday, Bertha brought in a tiny bouquet of hepatica buds. Almost at once they started to open. They are still fresh and wide-open, beautiful beyond description, and symbol to me of Bertha’s love and devotion.
A couple of days later, she brought in a bouquet of crocuses (closed-up)- and in a few moments they began to open, until they were all wide-open and crowding each other- (So it’s warmth alone that makes them open?)
It remained sunny all day, but the air never warmed up- Just before noon, dressed and went out-doors. Two hepaticaswere open, the rest with their downy heads still bowed- (It looks as if they would be as plentiful as last year)- The dwarf white-violets under the box-elder showed tiny buds.
As it was too cold for comfort, even in the sunlight, I went into the studio, which is really where I wanted to go in the first place. Spent some time running down, in my journal the date of the picture we are going to Rev. and Mrs. Neeb (Queen-Anne’s Lace at Twilight)- It turned out to be Aug. 20, 1951.
Studied a couple spring water-colors, then got the spring Idea-Folios to bring in and mull over in the house.
Charles E. Burchfield, Journals, April 13, 1959