Apr. 13 (Sun.)
A.M. Hank over—he and I return trailer to Buffalo and station wagon to Cottrell’s. Joseph refuses to accept anything for rental fee.
B-M & I to church.
P.M. N.Y. Philharmonic—Shostakovich Sixth & Stravinsky’s Fire Bird. Faultless playing—But the Shostakovich just seems like long-windedness about not very much. Listening to the Firebird I thought that some music is so inherently great that its quality would shine thru even a poor performance, whereas some music demands a perfect performance; such as was given this suite, and I felt that less in the way of playing would rob this music of the illusion of greatness.
Toscanini played Haydn’s London Symphony #104 a beautifully simple thing—
About 6:00—B & I to Strand to see “Return of Monte Cristo” (a modernization of the original story, but very interesting nonetheless) and “Lone Wolf in Mexico”—
C had asked us to call for her—but when we did, she said she wanted to go to a show.
B & I home, and after a lunch—to bed.
Charles E. Burchfield, April 13, 1947