When the obsession began in 2007, I wondered who the descendents were and where were they? Could I randomly meet them at Wegmans if they came back to their roots or at Burchfield if they were in town for a visit? Would I see them on the pages of "Town and Country" or in the "Evening Hours" column in "New York Times Sunday Styles"?
A google search found that Charles Cary Rumsey Jr., CCR and Mary Harriman Rumsey's son had recently died at age 96! He lived in Port Washington, New York. What a coincidence - I have a cousin who lives there, too! When I asked her if she knew the Rumseys, I could hear her eyes rolling without seeing her face. She didn't personally know them, but every one knows about them.
I knew Pad and Mary lived on Long Island, and that became my focus. Yes, you will be reading more about that in weeks to come.
CCR, Jr. has a daughter, Celia, also an artist. I occasionally read something about her work, and it is good to know the gift continues. I did see his great grandson, Ian's picture in "Evening Hours" a year or two ago. I knew I was on the right track!
When not time traveling, working out, or hanging out at the Burchfield Penney, Mary Beth Parrinello is the religion teacher in the Montessori program at Nardin Academy in Buffalo, N.Y. She also volunteers her time at Westminster Presbytarian Church, C.G. Jung Center, and Junior League of Buffalo, which was founded by Mary Harriman Rumsey, Charles Cary Rumsey's wife!