Charles E. Burchfield (1893-1967), Hepatica Hollow, 1952; watercolor on paper, 43 x 18 1/2 inches; Private Collection
Milder – misty skies – Still in the doldrums. P.M. – In a sort of desperation, I decide to drive down in the country – The world white and wintry – aside from some pussy-willows by the road, shining white tops – there was not the least obvious sign of spring – even the pussy willows made inconspicuous by the white snow –
Past Hepatica Hollow which was buried in snow – then westward to the Big Woods – Here I decide to run into Gowanda and get some salted nuts, & then come back, which I did.
In the woods, where I took a stroll – it was just like the middle of February – it was fine to listen to the roar of the southwest wind in the tree-tops, and to watch the majestic swaying back and forth of the trees – never in unison, they swayed towards and away from each other, their interlacing branches created constantly changing designs with each second of time. The wan sun-glow high in the west, cast the palest of pale lavender shadows on the brilliant snow.
Innumerable deer-tracks everywhere.
Two fernlike mosses pushing up through the snow. I picked a bouquet for Bertha –
Home by way of Hepatica Hollow – for a short walk on both sides of the road.
Evening – Shopping at Loblaws – rain & then snow –
Art did not get in until 11:30 – held up by bad driving conditions.
Charles E. Burchfield, April 2, 1954