Also: the turn away from
coterie; the wan-slung
gallery, with whale’s bones
made apothecary’s
curio –
Grant trace
obligatory lime and fossil
soldiering artifice read
for society lest
a stitch of crossbow cross
the flagstones’ manse
and tell the house
elect that a-
kin to purvey’s
there must be marvel’s quota
fond of fawn and copse
and nymphine issue
– none recital
nor vogue for notion
in contemporaneity
heeds a shelf
in atrophy
heads a deadening
as gesturative palm gone impassionedly to forehead
to rarity of brow
seated against an opprobrium on brow
where, seated, grapes of toe emerge
from marble
thrown as dice thrown
Elgin – globular
foot of Sappho
EDRIC MESMER will read from his Outriders Poetry Project prize-winning collection “of monodies and homophony” at 5:30 p.m. April 10 at the Burchfield Penney Art Center as part of the M&T Second Friday Series. He works as a cataloger at the University at Buffalo poetry collection, and is founder, publisher and collator of the small international literary journal Yellow Field.