As a "time traveler" I have always loved Picture Book of an Earlier Buffalo ,which was complied by Frank Serverance. It was published about 100 years ago and it interesting to see what was considered "old" then. I have found the book in the Special Collections room at the Central Library.
He has picutres of Bronson Rumsey's Park. In Buffalo's Delaware Avenue there are quotes from the book about the Park. It was designed by brothers Henry and Edward Rose. Dexter Rumsey also hired the Rose Brothers team to design his property on Delaware and Summer. The Rose's used the natural spring that was on the property for the ice skating/rowing pond. They built a boat house in the shape of a tiny Swiss chalet and had a little Grecian temple on the property.
When not time traveling, working out, or hanging out at the Burchfield Penney, Mary Beth Parrinello is the religion teacher in the Montessori program at Nardin Academy in Buffalo, N.Y. She also volunteers her time at Westminster Presbytarian Church, C.G. Jung Center, and Junior League of Buffalo, which was founded by Mary Harriman Rumsey, Charles Cary Rumsey's wife!