Much milder; flaky bands of glittering white clouds against a deep blue sky, eventually disappeared, and the sun shone warmly from a rich cloudless blue sky – a feeling of early March. Against the deep blue of the northern sky, the poplars, lit up by the sun were a rich yellow –
In studio on the same drawing project –
Letters from Art mainly about the tape recorder – He wants to build them himself – install a new pre-amplifier in the house, put the old one in the set in the studio, etc. – all of which appeals to me.
Letter from Lee Nordness, of the Nordness Gallery in N.Y. in regard to a project of a book on contemporary American Painters, to be published in Switzerland for European readers. However, although his letter was dated Jan. 12, it wasn’t mailed until Jan. 22, - and his “deadline” is Feb. 1, which would give me 5 days to assemble all of the material he wants. It seems like an impossible situation, even if I cold drop everything and work on it. Wrote him a letter explaining my dilemma –
Evening; again to the studio about 10:30 to check on the furnace. The more than half moon low in the east a strong S.W. wind, which had a wonderful blurring quality; Orion almost directly in the south – the wonder of January nights!
Bedtime music – Haydn’s Opus 26, S quartet, and Schubert’s quintet Opus 163 -
Charles E. Burchfield, Journals, January 24, 1962